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学校与以美国Sandy Spring Friends School为代表的K12高中学校签署战略合作协议,双方在国际化的教育理念设立、教学体系设置、师资队伍培养、教学组织管理、师生交流学习、学生海外升学、学分学历互认等方面取得紧密合作与联系。


Shenzhen Sandy Quan Foreign Language School, funded by Shenzhen Shuren Education Group, is a K-12 private boarding school located in Longgang District, Shenzhen. The school covers an area of more than 53,000 square meters, and it is able to house 1,728 students, 48 classes from 12 grades.

The school has established a strategic partnership with Sandy Spring Friends School, a K12  school in  United States, to provide international education to its students. Both will collaborate closely in terms of educational philosophies, curriculums, training for teaching faculties, teacher-student communications, overseas study preparation programs as well as academic credit system.

The teaching staff is composed of experienced and excellent teachers both at home and abroad. On the basis of fulfilling national curriculums, Shenzhen Sandy Quan Foreign Language School also provides students with special programs such as cross-cultural understanding, trilingual courses for Hong Kong students, studies of  Chinese traditional cultures, courses about life skills and specialty training. The international class will adopt AP Curriculum for students who wish to study abroad after graduation.Students at the school will be taught with both Chinese and Western pedagogies. Autonomous learning, collaborative learning and online learning  will be strongly advocated here; and this school also highly values  students' pursuit of their individuality and happiness by offering high-quality education to both students and their parents.
